Spirit of Steamboat: A Walt Longmire Story by Craig Johnson
My Rating: 3/5 Stars
“Dude, this is my second free Craig Johnson book.”
“What the fuck, man?”
“I know, right. I must be one Lucky Bastard.”
“Now you’re referencing a review of one author within the review of another author. Just how big of a pimp, are you?”
“I have a fedora, white bowling shoes with black tips, a cane with a gold handle, a purple vest, and a neon green trench coat.”
“Are you showing up at the Playboy mansion later with an armful of strippers?”
“No way, my wife would bury my body in the backyard next to the scorpions and the lizards with the turquoise tails. And she might even toss a black widow spider into the plastic bag along with me to keep me company.”
“That’s the thing. I thought your wife was going with you–”
“She’s not big on pimped out parties caked with artificial breasts, string bikinis, and copious amounts of alcohol.”
“You lost me at string bikinis. What were we talking about again?”
“Get your head out of the gutter. This is a Christmas novel for crying out loud.”
“It’s not actually a novel. It’s a novella.”
“Oh, are you some kind of expert now?”
“I live inside your head. I must have some vague notion of what’s going on in the publishing industry, otherwise you and I should have parted ways more than 10 years ago.” Brief pause. “But back to the task at hand…what did you actually think of SPIRIT OF STEAMBOAT?”
“It was entertaining…”
“There’s a but coming on, isn’t there? And we’re not talking about the ones at the Playboy mansion.”
“I saw the road signs, and followed the detour, but it didn’t take me to the Promised Land. Wyoming has become a bit of a second home for me, with the lush scenery and painted landscapes, but I spent most of this tale in an airplane that has seen better days. And while I appreciated the additional details about Lucian, he’s one crusty old curmudgeon, even in his younger days.” I tilt my head and stare at ceiling tiles. “And I guess I didn’t realize how much I missed a good Walt Longmire mystery.”
“You sure weren’t missing those mysteries too much when you downed all those erotica novels.”
My back stiffens. “True, but Craig Johnson and mysteries go together about as well as PB&J. While Julie Luehrman more than held her own in this tale, what I really wanted was some Vic Moretti with a mouth that matches her cup size and the sage advice of Henry Standing Bear.”
“Aside from the breast reference, you really are a sentimental bastard.”
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
I received this book for free through NetGalley.