“The taste of liquor still lingered on his lips. Six months without a drink, and he had the chip to prove it. His eyes were downcast, the table was green felt, and his wooden seat jammed the lower part of his back. The overhead light was dim, and he had his hat pulled down over his eyes. Johnny Chapman had lost three hands in a row, and he didn’t want to lose a fourth.”
— Excerpt from The Fix
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“…a short but powerful book with the force of a right hook or a squeezed-off bullet.”
— Foreword Clarion Reviews
“Original and enthralling. A journey of a gamblers problems and how he tries to ‘fix’ them.”
— Lisa Garrett, NetGalley Reviewer
“It has a good story and was entertaining. I am curious about other books from Robert Downs and will be checking those out.”
— J Bronder Book Reviews
“I think that Downs’s writing style shows promise and with a little more clarity on the timing and plot, I think I would have given the story 4.5 stars.”
— San Francisco Book Review
“A hard-boiled crime drama that lacks well-defined characters or a comprehensible plot.”
— Kirkus Indie
“This author has talent, but the book will not appeal to all readers.”
— Laura’s Interests Blog
“…if you have been bored of late of crime books…take a chance with this one because it is an all-consuming assault of brilliance that will keep you entertained from beginning to end!”
— RedheadedBooklover